I am grateful for the sunshine today.
Sunshine has broken free from the darkness
June has broken free from May
And it’s a new day!
My life may be complicated with sorrow
My life may be heavy with grief
I may be alone
I may be unsettled
And I’ve got me.
I’m the best remedy for me
I believe in me
I am listening to me
I open my gate and let love in.
I look into my eyes and see respect.
I feel my body and know acceptance
I welcome me home.
When I can’t
describe a mood
I turn to Nature
and she
in all her wisdom
will paint a vision
it starts with
the bluest sky-blues
complimented with feral greens
running with a paintbrush
over hillside
turned to a meadow
down a mountain
as the mood reaches
the ends of the earth
pulled in by the deepest seas
cresting with a nest
of whitecaps
you should stop there
and become the salt
on the rim
of each wave
touching your cheeks
you know that feeling
you might get
from spinning and spinning
laughing ‘til crying
because happiness
can touch sadness
as easily as a thread can unravel
a handsomely knit sweater
those moods
the ones that are indescribable
as well as palatable
so much so you can taste them
sipping the sky
walking side by side
next to a cloud
pouring juice
from a crescent moon
spooning this amazing love
funneled from here and there
tapping into memories
still alive
although yesterdays
are somehow suspended
and life has merged
with a blend of
I love you
for being the one
who can finally say
I hear bells ringing
on the tips of leaves
blowing in a breeze
being one with everything
and nothing
maybe that’s the best mood
the self-love we choose
Participants’ Reflections:
Thank you so much for this reading. It was a rich time for me during the meditation. At the front end of your reflection, you said life has broken free from things. The other big thing you said was I am the best remedy for me. That brought me back to talking to the mirror. I haven’t done that in a long, long time. I want to go back to that practice. By the end of your reading, with the focus on nature—the gift of nature, the plants, the birds, the breeze, the changes in the weather—all of that is akin to the joy a pet owner experiences. Nature is a companion to us with no words. Words can get me into tangles. Nature is just there with me, greeting me every day anew and showing the unlimited potential. So thank you. that was rich.
Thank you. I love what you wrote and the poem. I loved the last line of the poem about the self-love we choose. I know I have experienced different types of self-love, all the way from not even beginning to understand the concept to accepting myself and to eventually loving myself and finding any way I can to stay loving myself no matter the screwups I’ve had. I’m dealing with loving myself through a time of not using food as a way to make me happy. I’m separating myself from food so that it’s just for sustenance. Yesterday, we had friends over for a pizza party. I struggled to enjoy it but to stay on my path. It was hard. I had to practice loving myself through it. It caused anxiety. That’s a key—loving myself and accepting myself through this process. Thank you.
I so appreciate people who are able to feel deep enough to write the poems I find. It’s not an easy thing feeling deeply, because not only do I feel deeply for myself, but I feel deeply for the ones I love, and I feel deeply for the suffering in the world. It’s hard. The past few days, I’ve been feeling like I want to cry but I don’t have anything to cry about. I give myself permission to cry and I don’t know why I’m crying. I used to beat myself up over that but I don’t anymore because I am feeling so widely. I feel the pain of everything and it’s hard and it takes courage.
With that in mind, with the pain we feel, with the suffering around us, I see the bigger picture. The shamanic version of levels of living and the eagle’s eye view was shared recently and it helps me understand the suffering so that I don’t feel it so devastatingly painfully. I wish you all a perspective that helps you deal with your pain. With gentleness, we go into the day. Thank you.