In my dream I experienced perfect harmony
From a gathering of what appeared strangers
Who started singing together a song I’ve never heard,
But the harmony was a familiar warmth
When we come upon resonance, it ignites a feeling of trueness
And our heart recognizes the language
And the mind halts mid thought
And the body rises to attention.
If we were to put sounds to our soul,
What song would you be singing?
If there was a resonating sound to each organ system,
What sounds would be harmonizing within you?
My dream reminded me of sound therapy,
Using sound as an instrument of healing.
When my late partner left this world,
She left me a gift of resonance in my voice.
I was in a woman’s chorus for years.
After the accident I didn’t go anywhere for a while.
With encouragement from my chorus I returned,
Not to sing but to be among them as they sang.
Standing surrounded by women allowing their voices
To soothe my pain, soothe my dissonance.
They were all hoping I would join in with them
And help me heal through singing.
Within days of Lizzie’s passing, I lost my voice.
My wailing turned to silence, with my eyes and my voice.
I had no desire to speak. Some thought I went
into hiding as people do after a loss.
I just followed my inclination to close down
What I later learned was more of an incubation
In her name, in the name of the love we shared
In the name of the life we had.
The silence was marking a transition
A reset; a reboot; a realignment.
Of my life, of my role, of my direction
And I cooperated.
As I healed, I found the strength to sing again
Welcomed my voice and sang with my friends.
I was surprised when I heard myself.
My voice held a resonance it never had before.
The next time you find yourself listening
To music that lifts the hairs on your arms and
Expands your heart, know the cells of your soul
Are singing with you.
Participants’ Reflections:
Usually I have generic soothing music playing during the meditation. I have wondered what the meditation would be like for me if I played my “desert island” favorite piece. Today I played it. It’s Barber’s Adagio for Strings. I was able to focus on it and it filled me with light. It was a wonderful meditation.
During the meditation, I focused on the first song I could hear in my heart, the Grateful song by Debra Barbre. I listened to it. Music is the universal language, in our hearts.
I used to belong to a group called Spirit Singing. We were in a circle and would sing one by one, whatever came to us. It was liberating, no plan, the song just came out. We were encouraged to go into the woods and sing.
The power of sound healing, being moved to sing, trusting the experience.
I had five losses in one year including losing my singing voice. I tried out for a chorus, but didn’t make it. My throat has since healed. I am grateful to have my singing voice back. It was interesting I lost my voice along with my other losses. Time has healed and I have got my voice back. My life has expanded and healed.
We attended a Jean Houston weekend workshop. Between the speaking and meditation sessions, she played inspiring music that we danced to with whatever feelings came up, to just be in the music and our bodies and our energy. Then we laid down into an altered state. It was a bursting experience from the music.
It is energizing to get up and dance, a total reset. During this pandemic, it is good to remember music, turn it on to get energy moving.
I’m trying to be a role model for my boys. I play Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves. I think it helps. They just laugh but it changes the mood.
I’ve been listening to What If God is One Of Us. There is a Gregorian chant of it.