This poem was shared with me and I feel it captures the essence of presence. We are persevering through this time often wavering between trust and fear. We are a community, and I believe even though we are a small community, we are demonstrating our willingness to hang together and trust this process. I believe in ripples, ripples of energy that flow from one person to another. The sacred presence we gather together and share is shared by all as we are all one.
Be, Don’t Seek
By Elizabeth Page Roberts 2008
“Be, don’t seek.
Sit warmly, open
lightness in your brow,
not questions.”
“Be ready for the quiet
when it comes,
and the creaking
of the house’s bones
and the wind’s music
playing the notes of the trees.”
“Be, don’t brood.
Don’t wait for life
to announce itself
in capitals
or high garb.”
“Be available to its whispers,
know how to listen
when it tells its true self
and not the lies
you’ve dreamt up.”
“Be able to breathe
and let go of your breath,
let go of life as you wish it to be
and take in the simplicity,
the facts –“
“This sky is.
This day is.
This sparrow is.”
“Be, don’t try.
Your weariness must have
shown you something by now.
Stay seated in your soul,
remember the sun is there,
truth and time are there.”
“Be, don’t seek.
You’ve already found.
You already have.
You already know.
You already are.”
Participants’ Reflections:
I feel contented surprisingly.
Productivity shame
Late husband's presence around me. Holding transition to death in contrast with awakening of earth
Easter a time for family; having this meditation family is nurturing
Tops of trees, pink blush now, glowing sunrise. To see it when in being state
This quieted world is a gift
Blessed with opportunity to change everything. Less pollution now. See racism more. End of cowboy capitalism?
Mentors are saying huge awakening
Accomplishments like taking out trash
Being state vs wanting state. Separated myself in meditation from wanting state and sat in being state